
Repo containing some of the world’s most burning problems. Highly subjective.

Table of Contents

  1. Problems
    1. Climate Change
    2. Pollution
    3. Lifestyle
    4. Privacy
    5. Media and Politics
  2. Questions & Potential Answers
    1. Climate Change


Climate Change




Media and Politics

Questions & Potential Answers

Climate Change questions

  1. What are the climate predictions for major Western countries in 10/20/50 years from now?
    • For example will northern Poland in 50 years look like southern France now?
  2. What are the sea level predictions in 10/20/50 years from now?
    • I learned the other day that Greenland icecap melting will cause a sea-level surge in southern hemisphere whilst it’s the Antarctic ice Norther hemishpere should be most concerned about.